Friday, April 18, 2008

Saying no to cracks

My back also hurts - but I will not be visiting a chiropractor any time soon. We have a good friend who is a chiropractor in town and every time Murray sees me he asks when I am going to come in and get "adjusted."

I went to him last year when I could no longer stand that my head could only turn in one direction (it made it awkward to shoulder check). This was my very first time visiting a "cracker" and I hated the experience. I don't think it can really be good for your body to make those awful crunching noises. I found it more stressful than dealing with the chronic pain.

He gave me a teddy bear to hold - as if this would make it any better - than twisted my neck and said "relax." I found having my neck in someone else's hands unnerving - isn't your neck kind of important? All those vertebrae and stuff?

Murray also told me that someone farts on him every day.

I think I am discovering that it is my overwhelming fear of public flatulence that is preventing me from achieving a full and happy life.

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