Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Yoga Chronicles

Each time I go to yoga I feel a little anxiety before I get there. I always worry I won't be able to do the pose or maintain the pose and that everyone will think what is that lady doing here. I think I have not got to that higher realm where my mind, body, and spirit are one. This is a hard state to obtain when everyone warns you that you might fart - that flatulence is normal at yoga.

Um, if that happened to me then my significant other might find out that I was lying when I said "girls don't fart."

Also, I feel shy when everyone when says "ohhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm" and when the class is encouraged to let their sighs and groans out. Again, I obviously live in a much lower realm than the rest of society. Imagine my anxiety when attending a yoga class in the "big city" and everyone around me is making the correct sounds and noises.

I honestly thought that those were noises reserved for the privacy of your bedroom. Silly me.

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